Walking your Spiritual Path

Everyone is on a spiritual path, whether they know it consciously or not.  Every single one of us alive on Earth today is here to have certain experiences that will evolve our Soul, and ultimately assist in evolving humanity as a whole.

You will know if this is your truth because your Soul will stir as you read these words.

You are here for a reason and, deep down, you know what that reason is.

If you make the most of this opportunity called ‘life’ to learn about yourself, and understand the role your thoughts and feelings play in how you perceive your reality, you will most definitely grow at a Soul-level.  

And, should you be interested in exploring what else exists beyond your physical reality and five senses, you will expand your mind to a new level of awareness, also known as a higher state of consciousness.

The irony is, while each one of us is already a ‘spiritual being’ by nature, there are many who have turned their back on this aspect of themselves, denying their very essence, the core of who they are.  

On the other hand, ‘being spiritual’ is a term used to describe a select proportion of the population, as if it were a separate identity we can choose to ascribe to, or not.  

Historically, when one identified as ‘spiritual’, it was tied to their religious beliefs. In recent years, those who define themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious’, participate in a vast array of ‘alternative’ spiritual practices, such as meditation, qigong, yoga and reiki to name a few.

The huge popularity of these modalities, within a thriving personal development industry, has made it clear that many of us are hungry for more than a mundane existence.  We are drawn to seeking the mystical aspects of life because we want to get in touch with the deeper parts of ourselves. We crave to connect with our Soul and Spirit. 

Whether we realise it or not, our Soul remembers the unconditional love of Divine Source, the Tao, the ‘All That Is’.   It longs to experience that again, to re-create the state of pure peace and sublime joy it knew when it was in the Spirit world.  And the good news is we can access these high vibrational states even while in our human form, if we choose to reconnect with that part of our being.

The fact is, we want more than the bland diet of information we’ve been fed growing up about what ‘reality’ is and what happiness and success look like.  We’re not satisfied living in societies that separate spirituality from the ‘rest of life’.

It’s no wonder so much of what we see in the world doesn’t make sense to us, and that our hearts and souls are aching with an emptiness that cannot be satiated with what modern culture serves up to us on a daily basis.  We sense, correctly so, that a crucial piece of the puzzle is missing.

We’ve been looking outside of ourselves for the answers, instead of trusting the inner wisdom of the heart. We’ve been waiting for others to meet our needs for safety and security, instead of reclaiming this for ourselves at a soul level. We’ve been relying on external circumstances ‘falling into place’ rather than harnessing and directing the life-force energy within us.

Embracing our spirituality is a way of nourishing ourselves and adding value and meaning to our life.  It is a ‘state of consciousness’ that allows us to recognise soul growth opportunities in every situation, even the most difficult or heart-breaking.

Conscious spirituality is practical spirituality.  It is a way of being in which we take full responsibility for our actions and the life we create as a result of those actions. 

It is about learning to love and trust ourselves so much that our greatest spiritual teacher becomes our own higher self.

The most empowering, most fulfilling spiritual journey you can have is the one that honours yourself – your sacred self.  It is a reclaiming of the power you have inside you to be the person you came here to be.

This is how you find yourself, moment after moment.  You are the spiritual guide that you seek.  You are the builder of your path, the creator of your destiny.

There is no spiritual ‘yellow brick road’ that is already laid out for you to follow.  Rather, you are designing your path as you walk it, clearing the way and laying down the pavers, with each step you take.

Your path won’t be a straight line, but more of an arc, a spiral, or a zig-zag.  Whatever shape or direction your path takes, it will be perfect for you, and you can be sure you will receive your ‘pot of gold’ when your Soul rejoices in your growth.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting www.findyourselfnow.com.

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