Find Yourself Now

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Know that You are Worthy

What is the underlying cause of all that you struggle with in your life? For most of us, it is a lack of self-worth, which leads to a lack of self-love.

Do you believe that you are deserving of living a life that is prosperous, joyful and abundant in every way?

Take a moment to go within and ask yourself that question.  Don’t just ask it in your head.  Really check in with your body.

Do you truly feel that you are worthy of having all the success, all the love, all the happiness you’ve ever wanted? Can you feel your worthiness in every cell? 

No matter what you have experienced in your life that may have led you to the belief that you are ‘not good enough’ or that you are flawed somehow – know that it is simply not true. It is a ‘story’, a fabrication, a complete and utter fantasy!

Because you are inherently worthy.

To think or feel that you are ‘not enough’ is the biggest lie that you will ever tell yourself.  It is a lie that holds you back from your own greatness.  Yes, it is YOU who are holding yourself back.

It is your insistence on holding on to memories, events and beliefs that trigger guilt, shame, self-doubt and insecurity that keeps you in struggle, in suffering.  It is you who is preventing you from a life of inner peace, freedom and joy.

To move forward with your life, you must let go of the energy of the past that doesn’t serve you.  You cannot hold on to grudges, resentments, hatred, fear or a refusal to forgive AND access the energy you need to create a beautiful, peaceful and fulfilling life.

As long as you are in disharmony within yourself, it will not be possible for you to create a life of harmony.   Because these energies are opposed to one another.  When your internal energy is out of alignment, your experience of life – the reality you are creating – will be out of alignment too.

The good news is that you can choose to let go of the energy of the past that is keeping you stuck.  Anytime. Just like that.  That’s how powerful you are.

You can do it with the help of direct energy work, such as through Qi Gong, Emotional Freedom Techniques or Soul Realignment. And, in conjunction with some deep introspection, along with professional support if you need it, you can raise your consciousness to a whole new level.

Healing is what happens when we free ourselves of a burden we’ve been carrying for a very long time

It is the letting go of unnecessary baggage that has been weighing us down. It might be a release of pent up feelings that have long passed their use-by date.  It could be the final shedding of pain that your inner child has been clinging to, but no longer needs.

From the perspective of your Higher Self, nothing you or others do can ever taint your worthiness.  Because you are an extension of the Divine Source energy that created you. You are a Divine being. You are Love.

And there is always a ‘gift’ wrapped up inside the pain. Always an opportunity for more self-love. Can you go to the core of the matter, the truth of how it affected you, and discern the ‘gift’ that is there for you? How has your experience shaped you and made you the person you are today?

When we look for it, we can always find something to be grateful for.   As human beings, we can go through the most difficult ordeals, and yet our Soul may be quietly rejoicing.  Why?  Because it is our challenges that instigate the most growth. They bring about ‘awakening’ and transformation.  They evolve us.

With the courage to look deep inside yourself, and give yourself the compassion and forgiveness you deserve, you will realise your worthiness has never, ever been questioned. And that you are worthy of having everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more. 

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

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