The Heart of Resilience: Understanding Your Emotions

A fundamental aspect of emotional resilience is the understanding that it's not about suppressing your emotions or pretending to be fine when you're hurting. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Emotional resilience begins with acknowledging your emotions, understanding them deeply, and then finding healthy and constructive ways to navigate through them.

Emotions as Messengers

Think of your emotions as messengers—signals from your inner self, telling you something important. When you feel sadness, anger, or fear, it's your psyche's way of communicating with you. It's saying, "Pay attention, something in your life needs addressing." By acknowledging these emotions, you're actively listening to what your inner self is trying to convey.

Acknowledging your emotions is a way of validating your own experiences. It's giving yourself permission to feel and recognising that it's entirely human to experience a wide range of emotions. Suppressing emotions can create a pressure cooker effect, where unaddressed feelings build up over time until they reach a breaking point.

On the other hand, acknowledging your emotions is like releasing some of that built-up pressure. It's the act of saying, "I see you, and I accept you." This acknowledgment allows you to process your emotions in a healthier manner, preventing emotional explosions or bottling up feelings until they become overwhelming. By validating your own emotions, you're fostering self-compassion and creating a safe space for emotional exploration and healing.

Understanding the Roots

Emotional resilience isn't just about acknowledging emotions on the surface; it involves digging deeper to understand their roots. When you experience intense emotions, ask yourself, "Why am I feeling this way?" Sometimes, the reasons are apparent—a challenging situation at work, a personal loss, or a recent conflict. Other times, the root causes might be buried in your past, stemming from childhood experiences or past traumas.

Understanding the source of your emotions provides clarity and empowers you to address the underlying issues. It's like tracing the river back to its origin. Once you identify the root causes, you can work towards resolving or healing them. This process not only helps you manage your current emotions but also prevents similar triggers from affecting you in the future.

Healthy Navigation

Acknowledging and understanding your emotions are essential steps, but emotional resilience goes a step further by guiding you in navigating your emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. This involves finding appropriate outlets for your emotions and managing them effectively.

Healthy navigation could include expressing your feelings through journaling, engaging in open and honest conversations with a trusted friend or therapist, or using relaxation techniques like Qigong, meditation and deep breathing to calm emotional intensity.

The goal is not to eliminate negative emotions; it's about channeling them in ways that promote personal growth, self-awareness, and well-being. By navigating your emotions thoughtfully, and with the skills to transform their energy, you avoid being overwhelmed by them and maintain a sense of control and balance in your life.

This is where Qigong, the ancient art of energy cultivation and transmutation, comes into its own.


Qigong, with its profound mind-body connection, offers a unique pathway to acknowledge and transform our emotional energy. At its core, Qigong teaches us to cultivate awareness of our emotions and how they manifest within our bodies. Through gentle movements, controlled breathing, and mindful meditation, Qigong provides a safe and nurturing space to explore the depths of our emotional landscape.

One of the remarkable aspects of Qigong is its ability to facilitate the free flow of Qi, or life-force energy, throughout the body. When emotions become stagnant or suppressed, they can manifest as physical tension or discomfort. Qigong practices help release these emotional blockages, allowing energy to flow smoothly and harmoniously. This release often leads to a profound sense of emotional relief and clarity.

Furthermore, Qigong encourages a state of deep relaxation and inner peace, which can be particularly transformative when dealing with intense emotions. By regularly engaging in Qigong exercises, individuals can build emotional resilience and develop a greater capacity to acknowledge, understand, and transform their emotional energy. It becomes a practice of self-compassion, where one learns to embrace their emotions as valuable messengers, paving the way for emotional healing and personal growth.

In essence, Qigong serves as a powerful tool for emotional self-discovery and transformation. It invites us to embark on a journey of inner exploration, where we can release energy blockages and ultimately find a path to greater emotional balance and well-being.

Emotional Resilience in Action

Let's bring it all together with a practical example. Imagine you're facing a challenging situation at work, and it's causing you significant stress and frustration. Emotional resilience doesn't mean ignoring these feelings or putting on a facade of everything being fine. Instead, it involves acknowledging your stress and frustration, understanding why you're feeling this way (perhaps it's due to unrealistic workload expectations), dealing with your negative emotions in a healthy way (such as through Qigong clearing exercises) and then taking proactive steps to address the issue.

In this scenario, emotional resilience might lead you to communicate with your supervisor about your workload concerns, seek support from colleagues, or engage in stress-reduction techniques to manage your emotional responses effectively. It's about taking action based on your awareness of your true feelings, ensuring that your emotional responses align with your long-term well-being.

Embracing Vulnerability

Emotional resilience also involves embracing vulnerability. It's the understanding that it's okay to not have all the answers, to admit when you're struggling, to ask for help when needed, and to seek support from loved ones.

Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness, and it's a crucial aspect of navigating through challenging life experiences. Vulnerability allows you to be authentic and open about your emotions, creating genuine connections with others.

By acknowledging your emotions, understanding their messages, and finding healthy ways to navigate through them, you're building a solid foundation of emotional resilience. This foundation empowers you to face life's challenges with grace, maintain inner harmony, and emerge from difficult experiences stronger and wiser.

So, remember, it's not about suppressing your emotions or putting on a brave face—it's about honoring your feelings, understanding them, and choosing the path of emotional resilience, where you can grow and thrive as your heart takes flight.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

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