Becoming Limitless with Qigong

In the stillness of my first Qigong session, there I stood, grounded yet reaching for the heavens, moving in harmony with an unseen force.  

As my hands traced invisible arcs in the air, this ancient practice spoke to me in a language beyond words.  It whispered of a world within, a world rich with untapped potential and boundless possibilities.

With every breath and graceful flow, a silent dialogue began between my body and my soul, a conversation that beckoned me to delve deeper into my own essence.

It was as if each gentle movement invited me closer to my inner self, a self that had been hidden under layer upon layer of societal expectations and personal fears.  I began unearthing desires and dreams that had long been buried in pursuit of what I thought was 'normal.'

The art and science of Qigong taught me that Qi, the life force within, was not just a stream of energy, but a torrent of potential, waiting to be harnessed.  It was in these moments of embodied presence that I discovered the strength to step beyond the familiar.

Each session was a journey in itself. The once intimidating prospect of embracing my individuality transformed into an exhilarating adventure. I learned to listen to the subtle cues of my body and mind, understanding that true strength lies in vulnerability and openness to change.

Once seemingly impenetrable, the walls of my comfort zone began to crumble, revealing a horizon filled with possibilities.

As I progressed, Qigong became more than a practice; it became a metaphor for life. It taught me the art of balance – the delicate act of straddling the line between comfort and growth, tradition and innovation. This balance was not static but a dynamic interplay, much like the ebb and flow of Qi through the body.

In the dance of Qigong, I found the rhythm of my soul, the courage to express myself, and the freedom to be unapologetically me.

As I was soon to discover, Qigong leads us to find the extraordinary within the ordinary, the spiritual within the physical. It was an epiphany to see the world and everything in it in a new light, as light, vibration, and frequency. To realize that energy flows not just around us, but within us, waiting to be recognized and harnessed.

Before long, as I embraced the lessons of Qigong, I saw its ripple effect. By stepping into my authentic self, I organically lit a path for others. By living my truth, I gave others permission to live their own. It was a powerful reminder that our personal transformation can be a catalyst for collective change.

Qigong, in both its simplicity and depth, reconnects us to the power that lies within us. True power is not an external force to be sought; it is a spark of the Divine waiting to be kindled. It’s like waking up from a long slumber, or the moment when the sun pierces through the morning mist, revealing a world that was always there, yet unseen.

It arises like a deep knowing, a certainty that emerges from the core of our being. It's as if all the wisdom of the Universe converges within us, whispering that we are more than our bodies, our circumstances, or our past.

When we tap into this power, we feel a sense of expansiveness that extends far beyond the confines of our physical form. It's an experience of boundless potential, where limitations dissolve and possibilities unfold like an endless horizon before us.

Qigong, which has its roots in Taoist philosophy, offers us a portal way for transcending our perceived limits. It does so by harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our true potential.

It begins with a shift in perception, a decision to view ourselves not as victims of fate but as architects of our destiny.  We start to observe our thoughts and emotions not as absolute truths, but as patterns that can be changed.

Qigong reminds us that we are each a unique expression of the Divine, and when we honour that, our authenticity and individuality become our gifts to the world.

Reflecting upon my decade-long journey so far, I see Qigong as a practice that keeps me aligned with my highest self.  It invites me to step out of the familiar and embrace the unknown with an open heart. It imbues me with a sense of deep peace, knowing that we live in a benevolent Universe and that, in the greater scheme of things, all is well.

Through Qigong, we learn that our potential is boundless and that the only limits that exist are those we place upon ourselves. It's a voyage not just of self-discovery, but of soul discovery, where we find the courage to be our true selves.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

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