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Unlocking the Power of Qigong: How to Develop Whole Body Intuition

Are you feeling disconnected from your body, heart and/or mind? Do you want to unlock your inner ‘knowing’, recognise when guidance is coming from your Higher Self, and tap into your fullest potential?

Qigong is both an art and a science, an ancient energetic ‘technology’ that can help you achieve physical, mental, and emotional balance. By combining movement, breathing, and mindful awareness, Qigong can awaken your whole body intuition, connecting you with the wisdom of your mind, heart and body, otherwise known as your ‘three brains’.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of Qigong and how you can unlock its power to discover a new level of inner harmony and cosmic connection.

Understanding the Three Brains

Thousands of years ago, Taoists in ancient China proffered the idea that the human body has ‘three brains’: the head brain, the heart brain, and the gut brain.

The latest scientific research agrees with what Qigong Masters have known all along - that neurological activity is not contained to the brain inside our skull, but extends to the heart and the gut, connected via the vagus nerve.

In fact, we now know conclusively that the complex functions of both the heart and gut rely on ‘brain cells’ or neurons - the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world and relaying electrical signals through the nervous system to send commands to the body.

Our ‘three brains’ communicate with each other through the vagus nerve, described as the body’s “superhighway”. The largest cranial nerve in the body, the vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating the nervous system to restore balance and harmony between mind, heart and body.

The practice of ‘Qi Gong’, which means ‘energy work’, can greatly assist us in improving the energy flow to our ‘three brains’, helping us develop whole body intuition in the process.

Through Qigong, we can learn to consciously cultivate and refine our ‘Qi’ - the intelligent life-force energy that flows through everything in the Universe, including our every cell.

Developing whole body intuition through Qigong

Qigong helps us tap into the power of our ‘three brains’ through exercises that enhance the flow of ‘Qi’ through and between the three ‘dan-tians’ or ‘elixir fields’ - our main energy centres.

The lower dan-tian, located at the navel, is the elixir field for our physical body’s energy, while the middle dan-tian, located in the centre of the chest, is the elixir field for our heart and emotional energy. The upper dan-tian is the elixir field for the energy of our mind, including our connection to Spirit and our own Higher Self.

By cultivating and balancing the energy of these three centres, we not only develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, we also learn to trust our inner ‘knowing’ and make more aligned decisions.

Developing whole body intuition leads to making better choices for ourselves, which in turn leads to better health, better relationships and the realisation that we have the power to find our way and keep ourselves ‘on track’ with our goals and with our lives.

INTUition & YOUR ‘head brain’

In order to tune into our higher wisdom, and receive messages so clear that they are ‘choiceless’, we need to quiet our thinking mind.

When our thinking mind is in overdrive, or stuck in repetitive loops fueled by worry, doubt and fear, it becomes impossible to hear the quiet, reassuring whispers of our Higher Self.

Qigong is a practice that calms the busy mind and brings us into a state of peaceful ‘presence’. Over time, this leads to a reduction in negative, unhelpful thoughts and improved mental health.

By cultivating mindfulness and present moment awareness, Qigong helps us have a broader perspective of any situation, so that we ‘see’ the deeper truth.

Qigong can also improve cognitive function and creativity, allowing for greater clarity and focus as we move toward our goals.

intuition & your ‘heart brain’

Rather than viewing the heart as ‘only’ a physical organ that pumps blood and helps keep us alive, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong have long viewed the heart as a ‘wisdom centre’.

We have all heard the sayings: “Listen to your heart” and “Your heart always knows the way”. To the ancient Taoists, these words could not have been more true. They considered the heart the ‘ruler’ of all the other organs and put forward the notion that there is consciousness residing in the heart.

Research by the HeartMath Institute has validated that the heart, which has 40,000 sensory neurons, is the primary source of intuition and higher intelligence. HeartMath studies have shown that the heart receives intuitive information first, before sending it to the brain.

Qigong helps us open up to our heart’s wisdom by transforming our negative emotions into positive ones and breaking down the ‘heart walls’ or barriers we have created to self-love and self-appreciation.

With regular Qigong practice, we can develop strong and clear intuition, as we connect to the essence of our heart energy and elevated feelings such as joy, gratitude, and compassion.

intuition & your ‘gut brain’

We have all had experiences of ‘gut feelings’ when our body signals to us that something feels good or doesn’t feel quite right, or ‘butterflies’ in our stomach when we are excited or nervous.

These days, doctors and nutritionists are talking a lot about the ‘gut-brain’ connection and the link between digestive issues, such as IBS, and anxiety, depression and even ‘brain fog’.

The nervous system of the gut is said to contain some 500 million neurons, most of which are carrying information from the gut to the brain, not the other way around.

Qigong’s slow, gentle movements, combined with deep breathing, stimulate the vagus nerve and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing about a state of relaxation that can help improve digestion as well as ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Qigong helps us feel ‘at home’ in our body, placing great emphasis on grounding our energy by strengthening our Earth centre (our lower dan-tian). This is important when developing our intuitive abilities, so that we don’t become unbalanced or prone to spiritual escapism.

Over time, the practice of Qigong helps us refine our energetic awareness on all levels, so that we learn to better interpret the body’s ‘language’ and build trust in ourselves and in life.

ADDITIONAL benefits of Qigong

While the benefits of Qigong have been recognized for millennia, modern science is now shedding light on the mechanisms behind this ancient practice.

Qigong has also been shown to increase the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood enhancers. This can help reduce chronic pain and improve overall mood.

Among its numerous positive ‘side effects’, people who practice Qigong regularly report improved sleep quality, increased energy levels and better posture, balance and flexibility.

It has also been shown to improve cardiovascular, respiratory and immune function, and reduce inflammation, contributing to better overall health.

Common misconceptions about Qigong

There are many misconceptions about Qigong that can prevent people from trying this powerful practice. Some of the most common misconceptions about Qigong include:

  • Qigong is only for the elderly or sick: Qigong is a practice that can benefit people of all ages and, in fact, is the ultimate ‘self-care’ practice to prevent illness, unlock inner power and wisdom, and promote peak performance at any age.

  • Qigong is a religious practice: While Qigong has roots in Taoism and other spiritual traditions, it is not a religious practice. Anyone can do Qigong, regardless of their religious beliefs.

  • Qigong is too difficult: Qigong can be practiced by people of all levels of fitness and experience. It is gentler on the body than most forms of yoga and it does not require memorising long movement sequences such as for Tai Chi.

  • Qigong is not evidence-based: Numerous studies have shown Qigong’s effectiveness in improving physical, emotional, and mental well-being. While it is not a substitute for medical treatment, Qigong is a complementary practice that can enhance overall health.

By dispelling these common misconceptions about Qigong, more people will come to know the true wisdom that lies within themselves and the gifts and abilities that are waiting to be unleashed.

unlocking the power of Qigong in your life

Qigong offers a powerful way to cultivate physical, mental, and emotional balance and tap into all of the insights we will ever need for self-realisation.

The ancient Taoists believed that we are born ‘already arrived’- that we have everything we need to become who we are, aligned with our True Divine Nature.  

Just as an acorn is destined to become an oak tree, we have been gifted with the vital energy and innate intelligence to become the highest expression of ourselves.

By flicking on the switches to our ‘three brains’, Qigong can help us develop whole body intuition unlike anything else.

Through specific exercises that harness ‘Qi’ of the highest vibration, we can connect with the same infinite intelligence that created us and the whole Universe, and truly know and become ALL that we are meant to be.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

The Find Yourself Qigong Online Studio is a safe and sacred space, especially for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people who struggle with the negative energy of others and their environments. Become an Online Studio Member and unlock the portals within you to whole-body intuition in the most empowering way.