What does it mean to evolve?

 When I was 28 and taking my first tentative steps along the spiritual path, I made a vow to myself that I would make it my life’s mission to ‘evolve in consciousness’, without quite knowing what those words even meant.

I had a somewhat vague and romantic notion that, with enough yoga and meditation, I would one day ‘reach enlightenment’, which I thought was some kind of mystical reward bestowed on only the most spiritually-devoted.

Flash forward more than 20 years, and I have a very different view of what ‘evolving consciousness’ really means.

Put simply, ‘consciousness’ is ‘awareness’.  And, in the greater scheme of things, consciousness refers to the awareness of Truth (with a capital T).  What is this ‘Truth’?  The Truth of who we really are – eternal, divine energy beings.

There are, of course, ‘degrees’ of consciousness, and that’s partly what makes everyone think and behave so radically differently at the level of the small self –the personality and ego. 

The majority of the world’s population have forgotten who they are at soul level and, at this stage of their journey at least, they don’t want to know.  The result is “mass unconsciousness”, and people find a great deal of support for staying as they are.

The ego is a master at making us feel safe in our unconsciousness. 

While some of us are keen to take the road less travelled in order to know ourselves more deeply, we might backtrack when life takes us out of our comfort zone…not realising that the most difficult parts of our lives are our biggest opportunities for self-discovery and growth.

Very often, fear keeps us from making the breakthroughs that would lead to expanded awareness and ultimately, greater freedom. 

It takes courage to come out of unconsciousness and truly evolve, which these days I define as ‘experiencing more of our divine nature whilst in our human form’.

With the help of energy healing tools and techniques, we can release blockages to our growth as spiritual beings, and create space to let in more love, light and abundance (our true nature).  From there, we can make new choices – ‘conscious’ choices, which arise from love and compassion for one’s self.

We are not here to evolve our soul, which is already perfect.  But we do have the opportunity to evolve as human beings, and embody more of the qualities of our divine source, if we choose to.

This is what it means to ‘wake up’ to the Truth of who we really are.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting www.findyourselfnow.com.

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