Soul Realignment

Know that You are Worthy

Know that You are Worthy

What is the underlying cause of all that you struggle with in your life? For most of us, it is a lack of self-worth, which leads to a lack of self-love.

Do you believe that you are deserving of living a life that is prosperous, joyful and abundant in every way?

Dancing with the Divine

Dancing with the Divine

If we think of our seven embodied chakras as being a ladder of consciousness, our crown chakra holds a most sacred position at the very top of our head, becoming our bridge to the Cosmos.

It is my belief that, no matter who we are and how we live our life, we are all seeking the fulfilment that comes from inner peace. This is the quality of energy available to us through our crown chakra.

What does it mean to evolve?

What does it mean to evolve?

When I was 28 and taking my first tentative steps along the spiritual path, I made a vow to myself that I would make it my life’s mission to ‘evolve in consciousness’, without quite knowing what those words even meant.

I had a somewhat vague and romantic notion that, with enough yoga and meditation, I would one day ‘reach enlightenment’, which I thought was some kind of mystical reward bestowed on only the most spiritually-devoted.

Flash forward more than 20 years, and I have a very different view of what ‘evolving consciousness’ really means

Shedding the False Self

Shedding the False Self

When I first heard about ‘death’ as a child, it was described as ‘going to sleep and never waking up’.  I remember being both terrified and unconvinced.  The thought of there being no ‘I’ didn’t make sense at all.  How could ‘I’ not exist, the 8-year-old me wondered?  I reassured myself that, surely, someone would discover a ‘cure’ for this thing called ‘death’ long before my time arrived. 

Little did I realise that Life itself, in its own time, and in its own way, would offer up a healing elixir, a soothing balm, which would provide all the assurances I needed.  And that it would come to me, after decades of striving and searching for answers, when I finally learned to ‘let go’.