Dancing with the Divine

If we think of our seven embodied chakras as being a ladder of consciousness, our crown chakra holds a most sacred position at the very top of our head, becoming our bridge to the Cosmos.

It is my belief that, no matter who we are and how we live our life, we are all seeking the fulfilment that comes from inner peace. This is the quality of energy available to us through our crown chakra. 

When life-force energy flows unimpeded through this portal, we connect with our Divine Source, not in an intellectual way, but as part of its presence. We have a sense of ‘coming home’. 

To connect with the Divine is to feel its unconditional love and pure joyfulness.  Many names have been used to describe it, such as ‘Spirit’, ‘God’, ‘the Tao (Dao)’, ‘All That Is’, yet so many of the great sages, mystics and spiritual teachers have told us that it is beyond words.  It has to be experienced. 

The Sanskrit name for the crown chakra is ‘Sahasrara’, depicted by a thousand-petalled lotus.  It represents the fundamental purpose of Yoga – rising above duality to experience true ‘being’ and union with Divine Consciousness.  It is believed that when ‘kundalini’ energy rises up from the root chakra at the base of spine, and travels up the other chakras to Sahasrara, it triggers an energetic awakening that leads to transformation on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This is known as a ‘kundalini awakening’.

Coming from a different cultural viewpoint, but also working with life-force energy or ‘Qi’, the ancient Taoists (Daoists) developed Qigong as a way of cultivating the energy sources of both Heaven and Earth. Qigong practitioners use specific movements, breath and intention to pull energy down from the Universe (Yang) into the crown of the head, whilst also gathering energy from the Earth (Yin). The overall aim is to balance Yin and Yang, bringing harmony between all aspects of the Self, both form and formless, and ultimately merge with the Tao (Dao).

When energy flows freely through the crown centre, we gain access to higher dimensions of reality, from where we can access information, abilities and states of bliss beyond what we have previously perceived.

However, getting to this place and staying there is no easy endeavour.  It usually requires that we have worked through the issues of the lower three chakras, relating to family, relationships and self-worth, and released any heavy or stuck energies, such as the imprints of trauma, from the cells of our body and from our auric field.  

There will always be ongoing work to do, and life-style choices to consider, in order to keep all of our energy centres activated and functioning to a healthy degree.

But when our heart is wide open and full of self-love and compassion (4th chakra), a transition towards more authentic creative expression (5th chakra) arises in us naturally.  We find ourselves becoming inspired by the spark of the Divine within our own Soul, enticed in the direction of our highest potential (6th chakra).

Whether through dedicated spiritual practices like Yoga, Qigong or meditation, or with the support of a trained practitioner or therapist, or a combination of all, freeing ourselves from our past wounds, and our primary identification with the ego and personality, are by far the most essential steps on the journey to self-realisation.

If we are to merge with Universal Consciousness, we will invariably be challenged to let go of the story of who we think we are and how we judge the world to be.  This may include releasing our attachments to certain societal roles, as well as our fear-based thoughts that create separation.

Sometimes, however, our biggest blocks to spiritual growth relate to past life karma and other energetic phenomena unknown to our conscious mind.  In these cases, we may find our answers through an intuitive modality like Soul Realignment, which utilises information available in the Akashic Records – a perfect example of the ‘One Mind’.

Upon coming into integrity within ourselves, we are able to receive a greater influx of light into our 7th chakra.  It is an expanded state of existence by no means reserved for an enlightened few.  It is simply who we are without the baggage of the ‘small self’. 

With our heart and mind attuned to the ‘Uni-Verse’, the ‘One Song’, we no longer yearn for something outside of us to fulfil us.  Instead, each present moment becomes a gift of grace, and our life becomes a dance with the Divine.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting www.findyourselfnow.com.

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