Befriending your Higher Self

According to Eastern spiritual traditions, it is through the opening of the ‘third eye’ that we can connect in a conscious way to our Higher Self.  But what is our Higher Self and how do we go about making that connection?

Your Higher Self is who you are at Soul-level.  It is the eternal part of you that stays connected to Spirit/ Source energy, even while you are incarnated in a physical body. 

While it is a formless, unseen aspect of who you are, your Higher Self is ever-present.  It exists in a higher dimension of consciousness, communicating with you via your intuition and through your dreams. 

Intuition is something we all have access to.  It is often referred to as our sixth sense.  It is a ‘knowing’ that arises from within us.  Interestingly though, this knowing does not always come from the head.  We often feel it in the belly, hence the expression ‘to follow your gut instincts’.  And sometimes, it is a heart-felt sense that lets us know, beyond a doubt, when there is something we must do. 

In fact, in Taoism (Daoism), it is believed we have ‘three minds’, associated with three main energy centres or ‘dan tiens’.  They are located at the third eye, heart centre and just below the navel, and there is a constant flow of energy and information between them. 

The ancient Chinese named the energy centre at the third eye ‘Yin Tang’, the ‘Hall of Impression’.  It is a portal to the ‘Crystal Palace’, an area in the centre of the brain which includes the pineal, hypothalamus, thalamus and pituitary glands.  It is believed that when the Crystal Palace is activated, the mind becomes illuminated, opening up psychic perception and awakening inner knowledge.

Although we are always connected to our Higher Self, at least on a subconscious level, we may not always be receptive to its guidance.  Fear-based thinking will often override our intuitive hunches.  What’s more, it can feel much less risky to look to external sources for advice, or simply follow what others have done, rather than trust our own inner authority.

However, when we choose to develop a conscious relationship with our Higher Self, we open up a channel of divinely-inspired wisdom that can realign us with our true nature.

There are many ways we can build our intuitive muscles, so that our relationship to our spiritual self becomes stronger, clearer, and the central guiding force in our life. 

Scheduling time in your daily routine for regular meditation will help you to quiet your ‘thinking mind’ and create space for your Higher Self to come through. Meditators frequently report ‘downloads’ of clarity and insight.  These days, instruction in different meditation techniques has never been more accessible, with meditation apps and guided meditations making it relatively easy to shift your awareness into a higher state of consciousness.

You can also communicate with your Higher Self through oracle cards.  Choose a deck with imagery that resonates with you and, as you shuffle the cards, ask your Higher Self a question, such as: “What guidance do you have for me today that would serve my greatest good?”  Pulling one card each morning will give you a theme to reflect on for the day.  Do your best to remain objective and be open to a new perspective.  

Another way to receive messages from your Higher Self is by listening to your body.  Aches and pains, stress, anxiety, headaches, illness and addictive behaviour are often signals from our Higher Self that something in our life is out of balance. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you, notice what is hurting or where you are holding stress or tension, send love and kindness to that part of you, and ask your Higher Self what lesson the pain or stress has for you.

With its roots in Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong is a great way to cultivate mind-body awareness, and bring your whole system back into balance.  Qigong combines movement, breath and intention to open up the energy pathways in and through the body, and integrate all aspects of the self – both physical and non-physical.  As a result, Qigong practitioners naturally become more attuned to Universal wisdom and their own Divine intelligence.

Once you befriend your Higher Self, your life will never be the same.  It’s the difference between living as if the path has already been laid out for you, and creating the path as you walk it.

Like a friend who knows you better than you know yourself, your Highest Self will always cheer you on toward your greatest potential and your deepest joy.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

The Find Yourself Qigong Online Studio is a safe and sacred space, especially for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people who struggle with the negative energy of others and their environments. Become an Online Studio Member and refine your natural intuition for a divinely inspired life.

This article was published in the March/April/May 2021 issue of Connect Magazine, North Queensland.