Expressing Your Soul's Truth

Expressing who we are is not only about the words we speak.  It’s about being so honest with ourselves that all of our thoughts, feelings, choices and actions become energetically aligned.

It’s impossible to create harmony within ourselves when we think one way and say something contradictory, or feel a certain way and act in opposition to that feeling.

The fifth or ‘throat’ charka is the midpoint between the mind (6th chakra) and the heart (4th chakra).  It is here that we face the ultimate test of our spiritual will-power.  We can either take a stand for our highest integrity, from where the light of our soul can shine its brightest, or, we can let our fears overpower us.  

The fears of failure, rejection, not fitting in, and the fear of the unknown are natural human responses, but to eventually rise above those fears is ‘superhuman’.

As Joseph Campbell said, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

We won’t always be ready to take a leap of faith. It may require many baby steps to get to where we want to go, or years of inner work to heal issues relating to the lower chakras. 

However, when our heart and mind are aligned and steering us toward a new direction, we know it.  The voice of our Soul speaks loudest when we’re on the edge of transformation. 

And that is the moment of Truth - our Truth.  That’s when it’s time for our fifth chakra to rise to the occasion.

According to Caroline Myss, author of “Anatomy of the Spirit”, the fifth chakra has a strong association not only with the choices we make, but with the karma that is generated through the consequences of those choices.  

She writes: “Every choice we make, every thought and feeling we have, is an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global consequences.”

Many people believe they are powerless to change their karma, especially if it relates to a past life, but it is never too late to choose differently. 


The key, and the most challenging part, is to look closely at the choices we are making in our everyday life and discern whether or not they are serving our highest good.

The Akashic Records are believed to be the repository of every thought, word or deed of every living being, in all times: past, present and future. Edgar Cayce, a 20th century mystic and psychic, referred to the Akashic Records as ‘The Book of Life’ – a resource he believed to be available to everyone.

Today, intuitive modalities like Soul Realignment utilise the Akashic Records to help people gain greater consciousness around their patterns of choice, in order to realign to their Divine self-expression.

The Sanskrit name for the fifth chakra is ‘Vishudda’, which means ‘pure’. When we align our personal willpower with the will of the Divine, a purification takes place. A subtle ‘syncing’ happens, and life around us starts clicking into place.

We each have our own unique energetic blueprint - the way our Soul expresses itself most fully and naturally. Our ‘work’ is to strip away what is not us, which means being honest with ourselves and others to the highest degree.

The late humanistic astrologer and author, Dane Rudhyar, said, “When you don’t follow your nature, there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be”.

So let your Soul’s voice rise up to be expressed through you, in everything you do, think, feel and say.  Let your energy expand to embrace all of who you are, and allow in all you wish to experience.

Sometimes, we just need to be brave enough to get out of our own way.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

The Find Yourself Qigong Online Studio is a safe and sacred space, especially for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people who struggle with the negative energy of others and their environments. Become an Online Studio Member and refine your natural intuition for a divinely inspired life.

This article was published in the Dec/Jan/Feb 2021 issue of Connect Magazine, North Queensland.