Plugging into Your Power

If there is one thing life, and especially my Qi Gong practice, has taught me, it is that ‘power’, in the true sense of the word, comes from within.  It is never forced, but comes naturally to us when we remember who we really are – magnificent creatures of Nature, exquisite expressions of life-force energy, divine intelligence made manifest.

Everything else that masquerades as ‘power’ is an illusion and, thankfully, the ego-based belief systems that have dominated recent human history are starting to crumble. 

Yet, it isn’t easy to let go of an ‘external power’ paradigm which, for so long, has given us a false sense of security, order and control. Unless, that is, we have something better to replace it with. And what better ‘rules’ to live by than the laws of Nature. 

No one can deny the power contained within a tiny seed, let alone the power of the sun which lights up the whole Earth and sustains all living things. The laws of Nature bring everything into a state of balance, elemental harmony, and effortless ease and flow. The seasons and cycles, the patterns and spirals, are as miraculous as they are mysterious. 

In Nature, we witness the extraordinary interdependence between different life forms, and change is the only constant. There is a continuous circle of creation and destruction, and examples of resurrection, regeneration and metamorphosis are everywhere. 

There is an unfathomable power in the acorn that becomes an oak tree, and in the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly. 

So how can we as humans tap into more of this very same power? How can we ensure we reach our highest potential, and experience self-actualisation and fulfilment as one of Earth’s many beloved creatures?

Here are three ways to be in your power the way Nature intended you to be:

1.     Start doing more of what you love and what feels good to you.

Deep down, your heart and soul know who are and what you want.

When you tune into the innermost part of yourself, you plug into your greatest source of inspiration – the life-force energy that flows through you and keeps you alive.

Connecting to this inner power will help you discover, or rediscover, your bliss and talents, and all the little things that make your heart sing. Doing what feels good, and fills you with joy, is how life and Nature expresses itself through you, as you.

2.     Be who you are, not who you think you should be.

Being your natural self means letting go of any ‘image’ you may have of yourself, and paying attention to the gifts waiting to be released from within your own soul. 

When you know who you are from the inside, you won’t be easily influenced by who society tells you to be, or swayed by what others are doing. 

Be open to new possibilities, believe in yourself, and be prepared to do things differently.  The choices that seem hard, because they are uncomfortable, are ‘easier’ in the long run than living your whole life incongruently to your most authentic self.

3.     Stay focused on the present, where your real power lies.

Accept the fact that you cannot change the past or control what will happen in the future.

There is no power in ruminating over what’s already behind you. Likewise, worrying about tomorrow is nothing more than a projection of the mind that drains away your precious life-force energy.

By keeping your focus on the present, you can live in a state of flow, riding the waves of an intelligent force much greater than the mind can conceive.

Allow the wisdom gathered from your past to become the ‘compost’ that adds richness to your present, triggering renewal and growth, and look forward to fulfilling your divine destiny without being attached to a particular outcome.

Above all, take a moment each day to appreciate the inherent perfection in Nature as a whole, and trust in the miracle that is you.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting

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This article was published in the June/July 2020 issue of Connect Magazine, North Queensland.