Healing Our Way to Wholeness

We all have healing to do and, like it or not, each of us is responsible for our own healing work. 

Although we can benefit greatly from the guidance and support of others to help facilitate our way toward a greater sense of wholeness, nobody can do our healing for us.

Interestingly, the word ‘healing’ is derived from the same word root as ‘whole’, ‘holy’ and ‘health’. ‘Healing’ literally means ‘to restore to a state of integrity’. It’s about finding a state of harmony within ourselves.

Healing ourselves is about pulling all the parts of ourselves together into a fully integrated being that honors the highest truth of who we are, instead of tolerating, compromising, sacrificing, or making the majority of our choices out of obligation or based on other people’s expectations.

It can be relatively easy to change our mindset when we become inspired or gain new insights after reading an article or book, attending a workshop, or having a therapy session, but we still need to follow-through on our insights in order to 'become' the next highest version of ourselves.

For lasting change to occur, it is imperative that we make new choices and take new actions that reflect our shift in consciousness, so that our physical body’s vibration changes too.

If the way we choose to live is not in alignment with our innermost self, we will never know what it is to be self-actualized and completely fulfilled.

So how do we get to know our inner being, instigate the healing we need, and align all aspects of who we really are?

We can start by paying attention to the quantity and quality of our Qi – our life-force energy.

More than 3000 years ago, the ancient Taoists developed the practice of Qi Gong as a way of coming back to ‘wholeness’, by mirroring the way nature moves. Qi Gong movements were designed to unblock stagnant energy and improve the circulation of Qi, thereby preventing illness and prolonging life.

The Taoists described the Qi field as an infinite, invisible web of energy that connects humanity and all of nature with ‘Source Energy’ - the energy of the Earth (Yin) and the Universe (Yang). 

Sometimes called ‘the grandmother of Tai Chi’, Qi Gong is a deceptively humble-looking practice in which practitioners can activate innate healing and manifesting powers and, like an alchemist, learn how to turn the ‘lead’ of heavy, low-frequency energies into the ‘gold’ of positive, elevated vibrations.

Perhaps more relevant today than ever before, Qi Gong can be used as a tool for releasing the energetic imprints of past trauma, societal conditioning, and even the effect of other people’s negative energy.

To begin to heal, we need to become more mindful of how we invest our precious life-force energy through our activities, relationships and the environments we put ourselves in.

We can also notice where our Qi has become blocked or stagnant in our bodies due to stress and tension, and learn how to move our bodies in ways that cleanse and clear pathogenic Qi from our energy system.

There’s a saying, “you can never step into the same river twice”, which reminds us that every new day is an opportunity to start afresh.  Life, like a river, is continually flowing, and so too, our Qi is a force that is meant to move and change.  

However, if we try to swim upstream against the current of life, we’ll be forever ‘treading water’. Despite our hard work, we won’t be able to move forward, and we’ll end up feeling exhausted.

I believe that healing ourselves is our spiritual work.  I’d even go so far as to say it is part of each individual’s ‘purpose’. Until we have healed our inner wounds, there will always be a part of us holding ourselves back from going after what we really want.

As sovereign beings who are blessed with free will, we always have a choice: to resist change because we fear the unknown, or to bravely face what is ready to heal and jump into the flow.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting www.findyourselfnow.com.

The Find Yourself Qigong Online Studio is a safe and sacred space, especially for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people who struggle with the negative energy of others and their environments. Become an Online Studio Member and refine your natural intuition for a divinely inspired life.