6 Keys to Conscious Manifesting

If you are serious about creating a life you love, it is within your reach. But real change only happens when we set clear intentions, align our energy, and follow through with action in our daily lives. It becomes a whole lot easier when you follow these 6 essential keys to conscious manifesting:

1. Own your Power

The number one key to manifesting is to recognise that you are already a powerful manifestor and to take responsibility for everything that is already in your experience.  That includes both ‘the good’ and ‘the bad’ as you perceive it.   

It’s important to realise that you co-create your reality through the choices you make every single day, and you never stop creating. Even by maintaining things as they are, you are still ‘re-choosing’ that particular experience over and over again.

2. Ramp up your ‘Qi’

Manifesting anything requires co-creating with the intelligent energy that flows through you and around you, connecting everything in the Universe. The Taoists called this ‘Qi’.

There are many ways you can bring more positive Qi into your experience. Choose food and drink that is nourishing for your body. Hang out with people who are uplifting to be around. Give your body exercise and adequate rest. Spend plenty of time outside in nature.

A great way to become more skillful at working with your life-force-energy is by practicing ‘Qi Gong’. Various breathwork, meditation and yoga techniques can provide similar benefits.

3. Make Space for the New

If you want to bring in new experiences, you need to make space for them, energetically speaking.  Most importantly, you need to let go of the wounds from your past. 

Feelings of unworthiness, fear, disappointment and blame use up a lot of energetic resources. Their root may be from your present life or a past life. Clearing the imprints of negative emotions is a step that cannot be skipped if you want to access your full manifesting potential and direct it toward your goals.

Likewise, letting go of limiting beliefs and habits that have been holding you back will open the door to fully embodying the powerful, creative being that you are. Energy therapies such as Soul Realignment and Emotional Freedom Techniques can help you do this.

4. Stay True to You

In order to create the life experiences that truly fulfil you, it is imperative to know yourself well and set clear intentions for what you want to create. 

Too often, people are swayed by the opinions and expectations of others, or society as a whole. Instead of doing the things they really want to do, they make decisions based on what they think they ‘should’ do.  This leads to dissatisfaction, disempowerment, anxiety and depression.

Always, always, stay true to yourself and what feels aligned to your heart and soul. Remember, what other people think of you is their business, not yours.

5. Experiment a little (or a lot)

To bring new energy into your life, you need to be prepared to do things differently. As the saying goes: “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got”.

Start by making some small new choices, such as taking a different route to work, or going out and doing something fun when you’d normally stay home. And, as for those big ambitions, start moving toward your goals with concrete action steps.

A small step in a new direction can be just as powerful as taking a great leap of faith.

6. Trust the Process

Above all, to be a great manifestor requires ‘trust’.  Trust in yourself, trust in the laws of the universe, and trust in the mysteries of life itself.

When you trust completely, it’s much easier to detach from the outcome. Accept whatever shows up, without judging it as good or bad.  If it’s not what you hoped for, always look for something positive you can take from the experience.  

Whatever you do, don’t talk yourself out of what you really want. Allow your heart to rule your head, knowing that it’s never too late to course-correct. 

You are the powerful co-creator of your own experience, and nobody can change your life but YOU.

About the author: Kerrie Womersley is a Certified Advanced Holden Qigong Teacher and Advanced Soul Realignment ‘Akashic Records’ Reader, helping people discover their true Divine nature. Connect with her by visiting www.findyourselfnow.com.

The Find Yourself Qigong Online Studio is a safe and sacred space, especially for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people who struggle with the negative energy of others and their environments. Become an Online Studio Member and refine your natural intuition for a divinely inspired life.